• Flower Farming - The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 16 May 2021

    Can I still call these The Homestead Weekly when I’m only averaging one of them a month? 🙂 Not surprisingly, basically all of my time has been hijacked by flower farming. Once I’ve planted out the first big wave of all the tender annuals (which will probably happen around the 24th of this month), I anticipate that things will slow down a *little* bit until about July, when I’ll be ramping up harvesting like crazy. For May and June, I’m basically just starting some more succession planting in the grow room, picking enough to cover the CSA bouquet subscriptions (which…

  • Flower Farming - The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 11 April 2021

    I want to be keeping up on these each week (if for no other reason than the fact that they’re so good for ME to be able to look back on!), but man, life has been crazy lately. Flower farming is so much work, and though I really love it, it does take up pretty much all of my time. But since it’s been 3 weeks since my last one, I really wanted to not wait any longer before doing an update, so I’m taking a break and completing this now rather than sowing more seeds like I should be…

  • The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 21 March 2021

    Happy first day of spring on Saturday! After a lovely week of warm temps in the fifties and sixties, we celebrated the first day of spring by getting snow that night and then having the coldest night of the month yet last night :). So it goes! In the Kitchen After weeks of being insanely busy with flower farming stuff and neglecting all but the most basic survival stuff around the house, something had to change—I knew the pace wasn’t sustainable, and I didn’t want to feel like I was always making the kids and the house feel like they…

  • Flower Farming - The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 14 March 2021

    Whooooo, things have been crazy! I knew they would be when I decided to officially try out flower farming, but the past couple weeks have really proven to me that I’m definitely not used to “working” this much (aside from the work of homemaking and childcare, obviously). All in all, things have been going pretty good though, and I’m really proud of all that we’ve been doing and what we’ve accomplished thus far. In the Kitchen When I haven’t been working all day on flower farm stuff, I find I still take great pleasure in cooking, like yesterday when I…

  • The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 28 February 2021

    January felt like it was 1,000 days long, but I’m a bit incredulous that we’re already at the doorstep of March. That’s typically how February goes for me, though, just because there’s almost always the first whiff of spring in the air, and I usually start to get a good jolt of motivation to do All the Things because of it. This year was no exception, and my motivational jolt seems to have been more like a lightning bolt as I’m now throwing myself 100% into my latest dream, as you’ll see below. Note: There are affiliate links to products…

  • The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 21 February 2021

    When I was younger, I was really into journaling and kept a diary of some sort or another from the time I was six until my mid-twenties. However, as the years went on, there would occasionally be long gaps of several months when I didn’t record anything at all and inevitably, I kept putting off writing again because I didn’t want to take the time to “play catch up” and write down everything I’d missed recording. So I would go a few more months without making an entry. Finally, I just decided one year that enough was enough and that…

  • The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, The Goodbye Edition

    Now, to clarify, this is not a goodbye to the blog, of course—this will just be the last edition that fully takes place in our first little homestead. I don’t know if I will continue the series while we’re staying at my mom and stepdad’s place, but I do plan to start it back up again once we have another place of our own. But in the meantime, still keep checking the blog as I have lots of other kinds of posts I have planned! Note: There are affiliate links to products mentioned below, which means I may get a…

  • The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 19 July 2020

    We are officially T-minus 12 days away from Moving Day, and things are finally starting to sink in—I am forwarding mail, sending packages to my mom and stepdad’s house (where we’ll be living for the next few months until we find our next house) in case shipping times are delayed, returning things to neighbors, and trying to pack…always trying to pack… I’ve started unofficially saying goodbye to people, or at least telling them that we’ll miss them and that we’re sad we’re moving away. I am checking real estate sites probably no fewer than a dozen times a day to…

  • The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 5 July 2020

    I won’t lie to you–I treated this whole week like I was on holiday. No packing, minimal cleaning…it was like my whole self revolted against the packing and cleaning and staging frenzy that was last week, and just said, “All I’m okay with this week is reading. And maybe watching a few shows.” I mean, some important phone calls were made and emails were sent and plans were discussed. But by and large, we took it easy over here. And we have no regrets. In the Kitchen My body, in addition to just wanting to relax and read, also was…

  • The Homestead Weekly

    The Homestead Weekly, 28 June 2020

    The last two weeks have been insane. I mean, I know it’s only a precursor of what’s to come, but it’s still been insane. Nearly two weeks ago, on Monday night, we got word from our realtor that he had someone that wanted to come see our house before it was put on the market. He thought our house might be just what she was looking for. The only problem? She was here from out of state and would have to look at it on Wednesday. That basically left us 24 hours to get the house as ready as possible…