When I started this blog allllll the way back in March (so, a whopping two months ago), I didn’t dream that we’d actually be searching for any homestead this year other than the one we’re living on right now in the suburbs. Well, as we’ve all learned over the past two months, apparently a LOT can change in that short amount of time. As I detailed in another post, the company my husband works for is moving three hours’ south of here. While we haven’t fully committed to moving down with them, we’re definitely looking into it as land is…
As I hinted at in my latest Homestead Weekly post, we have a Big Life Decision we’re trying to dissect over here. Although it’s not 100% sure at this point, it’s looking pretty likely that the company Matt works for is moving the business three hours south of us to Central Utah. If we want, he still has his job…if we’re willing to move down there. The way I see it, we basically have three options right now: 1 – Move with the company and keep his same job, 2 – Find another job here in Cache County and stay…
The Dream My husband Matt and I are dreamers. One of our favorite things to talk about is the future—what would we do if we had X amount of money? What house projects do we want to try and tackle next? What hobbies are we wanting to pick up? What business ventures would be fun to try out? But for the past few years, our #1 Very Favorite Dream is… A Homestead. It’s hard to say when the dream started, exactly. More than anything, it’s something that’s evolved slowly over time, as we’ve experimented with paring down our possessions, looking…